'나는 대한민국의 블로거다'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2008.07.06 나는 대한민국의 블로거다(I am a Korean blogger)
주소를 잊어버려서 그림 추가는 하지 못하겠네요..;;

대한민국 정부는 대한민국 네티즌의 말에 귀를 기울여 주시기 바랍니다.
(The korean government should focus on the netizen`s opinion(bloggers) in Korea

Well, as this campaign is for global community, I'll write this post in english.
I've got the notice too lately...hahaha;;

Firstl of all, I'll make a comment about this governments's policy towards communication.
This government, as Mr. Lee said, expressed this situation as 'lack of communication', which I cannot agree more.
But, we need to 'think' about why this happened.
For a 'communication', mutual interaction is a foundation.
However, this government seems to belive it as a one-way interaction rather than a mutual communication.
Well, I'm not saying that Mr. Lee is not listening at all but he doesn't look like he's paying attention towards what the people are saying.
Please pay some attention. I know it's hard to be up there, but you need to know that the place you're in is a place made to converge ideas.
Remember the saying, 'Great power comes with great responsibility'.

Secondly, I propose a public debate.
I believe that debate is a great arena for communication.
Mr. Lee, if you really want to make a conversation with the public, I belive there is nothing that can be better than a public debate.
Don't just listen from newspapers.
Don't believe it before you see it with your own eyes.
Doubt everything before you believe it.

Well, revising what I wrote, I feel like I said something twice. haha;;
Mr. Lee, if you are reading this post(I think that it's really unlikely), stop saying and start acting.
I believe you'll understand what I'm saying.

'Writer' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by 덱스터
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